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Славянская Библия для Windows

“Славянская Библия” для Windows

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History of the English Bible translations CD-ROM

This CD ROM has faximiles of 14 rare books in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format:

 	H. Wheeler Robinson "The Bible in its Ancient and English versions", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1940, 337 pages. H. Wheeler Robinson "The Bible in its Ancient and English versions", Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1940, 337 pages.

Brooke Foss Westcott "A General View of the History of the English Bible", Tha Macmillan Company, Naw York, 1927, 356 pages.

Brooke Foss Westcott "A General View of the History of the English Bible", Tha Macmillan Company, Naw York, 1927, 356 pages.

W. J. Heaton "Bible of the Reformation Its Translators and Their Work", Franciss Griffiths, London, 1913, 285 pages.

W. J. Heaton "Bible of the Reformation Its Translators and Their Work", Franciss Griffiths, London, 1913, 285 pages.

 	W. J. Heaton "Our Own English Bible Its Translators and Their Work", Franciss Griffiths, London, 1913, 310 pages

W. J. Heaton "Our Own English Bible Its Translators and Their Work", Franciss Griffiths, London, 1913, 310 pages

W. J. Heaton "The Puritan Bible and other contemporaneous protestant versions", Franciss Griffiths, London, 1913, 345 pages.

W. J. Heaton "The Puritan Bible and other contemporaneous protestant versions", Franciss Griffiths, London, 1913, 345 pages.

 	T. Harwood Pattison "The History of the English Bible", American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1894, 281 pages.

T. Harwood Pattison "The History of the English Bible", American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia, 1894, 281 pages.

George Joy "An Apology Made by George Joy to Satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale. 1535", Westminster, Archibald Constable & Co, 1895, 50 pages.

George Joy "An Apology Made by George Joy to Satisfy, if it may be, W. Tindale. 1535", Westminster, Archibald Constable & Co, 1895, 50 pages.

George Milligan "The English Bible. A Sketch of Its History", Church of Scotland Committee on Publications, Edinburgh, 1933, 137 pages.

George Milligan "The English Bible. A Sketch of Its History", Church of Scotland Committee on Publications, Edinburgh, 1933, 137 pages.

J. R. Dore "Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the Bible", Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1888, 434 pages.

J. R. Dore "Old Bibles: An Account of the Early Versions of the Bible", Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1888, 434 pages.

Alfred W. Pollard "Records of the English Bible The Documents Relating to the Translation and Publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611", Oxford University press, London, 1911, 387 pages

Alfred W. Pollard "Records of the English Bible The Documents Relating to the Translation and Publication of the Bible in English, 1525-1611", Oxford University press, London, 1911, 387 pages

John Stoughton "Our English Bible: Its Translation and Translators", The Religious Tract Society, London, 310 pages.

John Stoughton "Our English Bible: Its Translation and Translators", The Religious Tract Society, London, 310 pages.

 	W. F. Moulton "The History of the English Bible", Cassel, Petter & Galpin, London, 1878, 232 pages.

W. F. Moulton "The History of the English Bible", Cassel, Petter & Galpin, London, 1878, 232 pages.

John Eadie "The English Bible: an external and critical History of the Variuus English translations of the Scriptures", Macmillan & Co.,2 volumes, 1876 954 pages.

John Eadie "The English Bible: an external and critical History of the Variuus English translations of the Scriptures", Macmillan & Co.,2 volumes, 1876 954 pages.

Sir Frederic Kenyon "The Story of the Bible: A Popular Account of How it Came to Us", London, 1936, 157 pages.

Sir Frederic Kenyon "The Story of the Bible: A Popular Account of How it Came to Us", London, 1936, 157 pages.

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See too: English Hexapla of 1841 CD-ROM.


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